Monday, February 14, 2011

2011 Grammy Award Performances

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The performances at this year's Grammy's were OK. They could have been a lot better, or maybe it was just the Performers that were chosen. The Aretha Franklin Tribute was pretty good. It could have went without a few folks on the stages (that shall remain nameless) but Christina, Jennifer and Yolanda definitely did there thing, and proved why they should be up there saluting "The Queen." Lady Ga Ga's performance was "Entertaining" but honestly I'm tired of her. She just does TOO MUCH for me. It's so much, that it is becoming the same...Bruno Mars, B.O.B, and Janelle Monae killed it with a Medley of their tracks. Bruno's voice was off at times, but he still managed to give a great performance. B.O.B. did his thing for the few seconds he was up there, but Janelle Monae killed it, giving a energy-filled, great vocal, and ENTERTAINING performance. Justin Bieber an Usher's Performance was cool. Justin did well, and Jaden Smith came out and kinda kilt it. I must say, although Usher is my dude, I am tired of seeing this same "OMG" performance, I would have much whether him perform something else...The choreography was on point though (as always.) Cee-Lo is a clown! Although he did well, and I even liked the puppets in stuff (Although bizarre) WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT HE HAD ON!!! Like dude....What are you doing??? Becoming George Clinton??? lol I didn't know how to feel about that...Eminem, Rihanna, and the legendary Dr. Dre did there thing...Rihanna surprisingly delivered a decent vocal performance on "Love The Way You Like" Eminem gave a heart-felt performance, and Dr. Dre and Skyler Grey did their thing...Katy Perry's performance was Good...I wanted her to do Firework, but I obviously can't have it my Rihanna and Drake's performance was Aight...Rihanna really needs to spend time working on her dancing, because it is just all over the place, and not clean at all. She also hit a couple of flat note, but What's new? Overall the Grammy's were just OK for me this year...There was nothing really to rant and rave about, but not a bad show either...

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