Monday, December 13, 2010

Jamie Foxx ft. Drake "Fall For Your Type" Live on Ellen

Jamie took us to church didn't he? lol That was an interesting vocal rendition of the track, but a good one. The whole swag of the performance was just cool. I would have liked to see the dancers do a little more, but other than that good performance. Jamie Foxx "Night of My Life" in stores December 21st.


  1. Alright...someone shoot the choreographer!!!! BOOORRRRINNNNGGGG!!!! ...and it makes me mad b/c there are so many things you can do w/ this song.I would have rather had Jamie start at the piano for this one then when Drake came in, then get up and swag the rest of it out. Vocally, I mean it's Jamie Foxx...he NEVER sucks. I'm geeked for the album! -Ms. Dre'
