Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ciara New 'Work" video

This the video for Ciara's next international single "Work." I like the video but the song has to grow on me...Her next official U.S. single is "Like A Surgeon." I am anxious to see what that video will be like. I hope it is Promiseish. lol

1 comment:

  1. Ok LOTS OF Comments about this one:

    Overall I think i like it, but lemme get back to u on that lol
    1. DEF a Missy Elliot type video (she has a couple vids like this)
    2. Fashion is this vid is BANANAS
    3. I like when she dance wit her girls like that! GIRL POWER lol
    4. Their thighs HAD to hurt after this shoot
    5. Ciara, hair swingin towards the end, not so cute lol
    6. Ciara swinging from that demo ball was def like one of the shoots they did in ANTM from a ladder...BITERS :P
    7. Missy, is that a black girl mullet?
    8. There are good moments in the choreo but some moments that are from her older videos and kinda simplistic and Ciara is not in-sync wit the rest of her ladies at some points
    9. Now u know good and damn well this heffa aint gonna b able 2 perform this song.
    10. The last image of Ciara b4 the vid goes totally out was def done at a different time cuz she aint breathin hard AT ALL!

    lol i think im done...did i go 2 hard on her???
